If you are wanting to find information on “leadership”, there are plenty of sites you can visit. Take a look at my Links and you will see the websites that I read regularly — Wally Bock’s Three Star Leadership, Anna Farmery’s The Engaging Brand, Dan McCarthy’s Great Leadership and Jim Stroup’s Managing Leadership. There are many more sites that provide useful leadership advice, written from a variety of angles.

books at dinnerIncreasingly, I am beginning to see “group” websites starting to bring together like-minded authors around a topic. Slow Leadership is one such site which I have just added to my reading list. Slow Leadership aims:

… to provide interesting and challenging articles to help you think through the issues and find ways to enjoy your life and work to the full. This is a blog about ideas, not quick tips.

I am pleased to let you know that I will, from time to time, be contributing articles to the Leadership section of the Slow Leadership site.

In other news, I have also been asked to contribute to the Leadership & People section of the UK-based ChangeBoard.com.

Both of these sites have some excellent leadership writers onboard. Do yourself a favor and spend some time there. After all, leaders never stop learning!

Nina Nets It Out: I am often asked for reading recommendations. One of the best sources of current leadership thinking and learning is right at your fingertips — check the list of the blogs available here on my blog, and then follow through to the blogs that these writers recommend.