I am more of a Star Trek: The Next Generation fan, but this infographic from Mindflash caught my attention. Based on the Star Wars series – the Jedi Trainer’s Guide to Employee Management outlines some of the trials that we all face. And while this is a little “tongue-in-cheek”, it is worth sharing with the first time managers in your teams.
Regular readers will not be surprised that my favorite skill is identified here as the “trial of insight”. Powerful communication is one of the hallmarks of a leader – to be able to listen, engage and respond – and ultimately to action requires a great deal of effort and experience. Aspiring leaders should never underestimate the importance of communication – nor as the graphic points out – that communication is often coupled with courage.
As leaders we need the courage to communicate – and to follow that communication through with action. Sometimes it is indeed our actions which communicate most forcefully.
Nina Nets It Out: A great chart for the aspiring leader – it reminds us of the challenges that come with leadership. We must listen, evaluate, decide and communicate. In the words of MY favorite sci-fi leader, Jean-Luc Pickard, only then can we “make it so”.