It can be a fine line balancing the role that you have as a leader within a business and the activities you undertake beyond the business. You may sit on the board of a not-for-profit organization. Or volunteer on weekends.

Some of you may be athletes, running marathons, playing basketball or tennis. In my experience, the greatest business leaders also play strong and important roles in their communities.

But in today’s always-connected world, it’s easy for our personal and professional activities and profiles to merge or blur into each other. How is this best handled?


This week I am speaking on the “Personal Branding and Company Identity Panel” at Digital Hollywood.

I am joined on the panel by Kirsty Spraggon, Executive Producer and Host KirstyTV, Motivational Speaker and Author; Michele Turner, CEO,; Holly Liu, co-founder and Chief of Staff and Culture, Kabam; Kate Neligan, Founder, Synergy TV Network; ConsciousRockStar Life Coach; Debra Fine, CEO, Fineline Foundation; Singer Songwriter. It will be moderated by Linda Sherman.

If you can make it to the Ballroom Terrace, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Marina del Rey, be sure to say “hi” afterwards.