Transforming organizations is no small feat. Leaders often grapple with the complexity of change, balancing short-term demands with long-term visions. In a recent article by Michael Mankins and Patrick Litre, six critical practices for successful transformation were outlined.

While the Harvard Business Review article highlights six critical practices for successful transformation, in my experience, integrating and augmenting this kind of approach with a growth or leadership mindset can amplify these strategies, fostering resilience and innovation in the face of the ever growing number of challenges we all face.

The Critical Practices

Let’s start by looking at the six critical practices.

1. Treat Transformation as a Continuous Process. Transformation should be an ongoing journey rather than a one-time event. This mindset shift encourages adaptability and continuous improvement, essential components of a growth mindset. Leaders who view transformation as a constant process are better prepared to navigate evolving challenges and opportunities.

2. Build Transformation into the Company’s Operating Rhythm. Integrating transformation efforts into the daily operations ensures that change becomes a part of the organizational culture. By doing so, leaders can embed a growth mindset within the company, promoting a culture of continuous learning and development.

3. Explicitly Manage Organizational Energy. Effective transformation requires managing the energy and enthusiasm of the organization. Leaders can harness a growth mindset to maintain high levels of engagement and motivation, fostering a resilient and innovative workforce. Select only two (or maybe just one) primary routines for transformation at a time so that you don’t create an environment where change fatigue emerges.

4. Use Aspirations, Not Just Targets, to Stretch Management’s Thinking. Aspirational goals inspire teams to push beyond their perceived limits. By setting ambitious aspirations, leaders encourage a growth mindset that embraces challenges and strives for excellence. It appears that benchmarks confine “the art of the possible” – limiting leaders and managers to a defined list of options. Instead, boldly embrace breakthrough practices. Remember to swim towards the Blue Ocean rather than the Red.

5. Drive Change from the Middle Out. Empowering middle management to lead change initiatives ensures a broader impact across the organization. Leverage the experience and expertise of your mid-level leaders to drive the transformation agenda.

6. Access Substantial External Capital from the Start. Securing significant external capital provides the necessary resources to support transformation efforts. If you aim to fund your transformation through cost cutting, you’ll only get part of the way towards your goal.

Extending the Practices with a Growth Mindset

Encouraging Innovation

A growth mindset encourages leaders to view challenges as opportunities for innovation. By fostering an environment where experimentation is welcomed and failures are seen as learning experiences, organizations can drive significant advancements. Netflix’s approach to innovation, where employees are encouraged to experiment and learn from failures, is a testament to the power of what might be possible.

Building a Supportive Network

Transformative leaders understand the importance of a strong support network. By developing relationships with mentors, peers, and industry professionals, leaders can gain valuable insights and support. This network not only provides guidance but also fosters collaboration and innovation. Organizations like IBM have formal mentorship programs that help leaders build these essential networks.

Prioritizing Well-being

Sustained success requires leaders to prioritize their well-being. A growth mindset includes taking care of oneself to maintain a healthy balance between professional and personal life. This holistic approach ensures leaders are equipped to handle the demands of transformation. Companies like Microsoft have implemented well-being programs to support their leaders and employees in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Nina Nets It Out

Integrating a growth mindset into the six critical practices of transformation can significantly enhance their effectiveness. By encouraging innovation, building supportive networks, and prioritizing well-being, leaders can navigate the complexities of transformation with resilience and creativity. This approach not only drives successful transformations but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and long-term success.