by Nina | Jul 30, 2014 | Featured, Generation Y, Glass Ceiling, Leadership
Gender equality in the workplace has been a topic that I have followed with great interest for some time. Looking around the world, we can now see many women who have smashed through the glass ceiling to be recognized as leaders on a world stage. Just think of Angela...
by Nina | Apr 2, 2009 | Corporate Performance, Generation Y, Innovation, Nina Simosko
There is no doubt that we are facing challenging times. Within many workplaces we are losing experienced workers as they are either retrenched or retire, replacing them, if at all, with the sea of less experienced Generation Y. This is part of a structural realignment...
by Nina | Nov 18, 2008 | Generation Y, Leadership
In the past, I have written a series on “What Leaders Can Learn from …” entries focusing on leadership lessons gleaned from the lives of celebrities and athletes. In the course of our lives, we all are witness to the lives of such folks given the...
by Nina | May 30, 2008 | Corporate Performance, Generation Y, Leadership, Nina Simosko
One aspect of leadership that is often overlooked in the rush to achieve quarterly or year-end results is succession. The myopia that can affect even the most experienced leaders can have a significant impact not only on personal, divisional or even company-wide...