A Woman’s Investment

Last month I participated in a global, collaborative project. A Woman’s Investment was conceived by Jasmin Tragas, and brought together 26 women from around the world in a single publication. Each woman was asked to describe what a “woman’s...

Moving Up

Much attention is paid to the disparities between men and woman in the workplace. It is true that women are generally paid less (roughly seventy-five cents on the dollar), encounter the glass ceiling earlier (of course, men don’t encounter it at all), must...

More Work Ahead for Women

For those of you who are regular readers, you will know that I am a strong proponent of women in leadership roles. I was lucky to be born into a time where it is acceptable for women to take on and excel in leadership positions — women like Indra Nooyi, Lynn...

Actively Managing Careers

In the cut and thrust of our everyday work lives it is easy to overlook the achievements that you amass each and every year. It may be a new product launch, you may win an award or it may simply be the completion of a long project. Whatever your achievement is, it is...