Unearthing Creativity

You know the type. They are there in your office somewhere – a flash in their eyes, a zing in their step, a perspective that surprises. And while we all consider ourselves to be creative on some level, there are those in your business who really do walk to a different...

The Life of the Intrapreneur

Photo by Laura @ Pixel Heart Photography One of the proven methods of extracting innovation from an otherwise stale organization has been to embark upon “skunkworks” projects. These are projects that are cobbled together by passionate instigators within an...

Leadership and Childhood Dreams

Brick walls are not there to keep us out. They let us show our dedication. — Randy Pausch Randy Pausch was an extraordinary leader. This is his “last lecture” on achieving childhood dreams. The idea for this lecture is based on a series of lectures...

Democratic Dictatorship

When it comes to leadership, no matter how much a leader may seek the valuable input from their village, at the end of the day, the final decision, regardless of the matter at hand, is the leader’s all alone.  This fact makes for interesting management of the...